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Tramdepot as an employer

The Restaurant & Brewery Altes Tramdepot has 90 employees and they are the most important part of our company. It's only thanks to them that hundreds of guests go home happy every day.

That's why it's super important to us to offer our employees the best possible working environment. We rely on professional structures, a respectful and appreciative corporate culture and attractive fringe benefits.

We are there for each other

First things first: Our greatest strength is that, despite or even because of the size of our company, we are able to respond to and take into account the needs and concerns of our employees. Whether you need job-related or private support, our doors are always open. We always try to find a solution. With us, no one is left alone.

Hands-on employees administration

We are aware that gastronomy does not have the most optimal working hours. From Monday to Sunday, from early morning to late night, we give our best for our guests in the "Trämli".

So that our employees can optimally plan and use their free time, we work with the following tools:
We work with Favur. This app, specially designed for employees in the hospitality industry, simplifies day-to-day work.

The following correspondences are conducted through Favur: Work schedule, payroll, time sheet and wage statement.
We make allowances for vacation & time off requests whenever possible.

We always try to write the work plan one month ahead and publish it early.
A soccer training on Wednesday evening or a lecture on Monday evening until 7 p.m.? No problem!

Using Wishlist, our employees can communicate their availabilities to us individually.


Our wage system ensures that wages are distributed fairly internally. For each job, there is a wage range that is neither exceeded nor undercut. In addition, the salary is analyzed every year. In this way, we ensure that the same amount is paid for the same work.

An external wage equality analysis that we had carried out also showed that we pay above the minimum wage and that women and men earn exactly the same at our company :)


Long-term employment relationships are very important to us and are rewarded. From the fifth year onwards, there is a seniority gift.

Employee party

Once a year, the Trämli team is in full swing. That's when the Tramdepot's almost legendary employee party takes place. We eat, drink, celebrate and dance until the early hours of the morning.

Fringe Benefits

Ob günstiger ins Fitness, gratis Publibike Abo oder 30 % Rabatt in unseren Betrieben, wir versuchen unseren Mitarbeiter:innen das Leben so angenehm wie möglich zu machen. Hier findest du alle unsere Fringe Benefits.